Class Rules and Procedures

Mrs. Roland’s Classroom Policy and Procedures

  • Contact Info: 218-2340
  • Class Name: 7th Grade Life Science
  • Instructor Name: Rachael Roland
  • E- Mail:  [email protected]
  • Teacher Availability: By appointment…..Mon. - Friday

Dear Students and Parents/Guardians:

Welcome! With parents' help and support, this will be an interesting and productive year. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to call (or e-mail). In order to ensure that parents have read and understand the following information, please return the signed recognition form at the end of this packet.

Daily Classroom Procedures

Students must bring the following to class each day: SHARPENED PENCIL, composition notebook, glue stick, pen, color pencils, ruler, and textbook. The class notes will be organized by page number and title which will be written on the board.  Students will need to keep a table of contents in the front of their notebook.  All notes will be recorded in the composition notebook and each handout or worksheet will be completed and glued into the composition notebook. This notebook is a large part of the students grade.  There could be a quiz every 2 weeks on the notes in this notebook.

Be aware that notebook checks or quizzes may or may not be announced beforehand; therefore, notebooks must be in class every day.

Enter classroom with all supplies.

 Upon entering the room, there will be “bell ringer” question or a "do now" activity written on the board.  Students will get out their composition notebook and a pencil. Students should begin the activity upon entering the room.

When the bell rings, everyone will be working on the “bell ringer” activity. A 0 will be given if you share answers or talk during this time. You will have 5 minutes to complete the assignment. When students may finish this assignment, then sit quietly, read quietly, or do homework quietly until the lesson begins.

Test dates will be written on the board.  It will be the students responsibility to write them down each day.


Homework should be completed and turned in on the assigned due date.  10 points will be deducted from the final grade for each day the assignment is late.  

Tests and Quizzes Policy (all tests must be taken in pencil only)

Quizzes may be given at any time; however, tests will be announced at least three days in advance. If a student is absent the day before a test, he/she will still be expected to take the test on the announced day

Make-up Procedure

When a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to obtain make-up work the first day back to class. Make-ups will only be given during class if the situation permits; otherwise, make an appointment with the teacher to visit before school.  (7:30 am)

Make-up Expectations

Students will have time to make up any missed tests, quizzes or assignments. A 0 will be put in INOW for that grade until the student makes up the assignment or test.  As soon as the students make up test or activity has been graded, the 0 will be replaced by their actual grade.   Special arrangements can be made for extended absences. Students who are in attendance and do not complete class assignments cannot make them up at a later date and will receive a zero for the missing assignment(s). D

Grading: 70% Tests, quizzes, complex projects or labs
        30%  Classwork, bell ringers, labs, homework

Students will be graded on the following:


                Labs (will include participation)


                Projects, Worksheets, & Homework

                Bell ringer activity


Rules for Classroom Behavior

Students must know and follow all rules in the student handbook in addition to classroom rules mandated by the teacher.

1.  Follow directions the first time they are given.

2.  Follow all classroom procedures.

3.  Always be respectful to the teacher and your peers.

                (Follow the “Golden Rule”)

4.  Bring all supplies to class each day.

5.  Talk with permission.

 Policy for Severe Behavior: 

Severely disruptive behavior such as repeated disruptions, fighting, cursing, physical assault, or verbal abuse of the teacher will result in immediate referral to the assistant principal or school security officer.

Consequences for Disruptive Behavior

1st Offense: A verbal warning will be given when a minor classroom or school rule is broken, unless the discipline code calls for a referral.

2nd Offense: A 2nd verbal warning will be given and may be accompanied by the assigning of terms and definitions in the back of the Science Textbook.  (All A’s)

3rd Offense: If the problem persists after a verbal warning, students will be assigned more terms.  (All B’s along with the A’s)

4th Offense: If the problem persists, more terms will be assigned along with a conference with the principal.  (All C’s along with A’s and B’s)

5th Offense:  Discipline notice and a trip to the office.

(Note:  The assigned terms and definitions will be written by hand and need to be written at home.  They will be due the very next morning.  If the terms are not completed, the student will be assigned extra terms and definitions which will be due the next morning.  If terms are not turned in at that time, the student will be given a discipline notice and sent to the office.)

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PARENT SIGNATURE_______________________________________________

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